I forgot to mention that I purchased a Nook Simple Touch Reader. I was in Best Buy and saw it a realized that I had to have it. My mother had borrowed my Kindle for her trip to London and I didn’t have time to get it back before our trip out. I was going to have my sister meet us in Portland to return it since she and her husband were going to coincidentally be in Vancouver, WA at the same time. As that trip got closer the timing got worse as they had a long drive to get to San Francisco. What was to be a half day together, turned into a quick brunch just to return it. My biggest problem with the Kindle is that it isn’t touch. Between my Fujitsu Lifebook that I’ve had for work for years, and my HTC EVO, I’m just used to touching screens to make things go. Anyway, it was just $150 plus tax.
I got it home and loaded some books on it. Calibre knew what formats to put things in and I was pretty happy to have a new reader. The only down side seems to be that it has no landscape mode. I don’t know that I care. I don’t think that I used that orientation on my Kindle either. The processor seems faster than my Kindle although I haven’t been able to put them side by side to test. I may never get the chance to either. I told my sister just to give my Kindle back to our mother. I don’t need two readers.
After the fact, I started reading reviews of the Nook Touch, also called the n2e in the forums. It is reviewed as a great reader. No sound card, which the Kindle has; no landscape mode, either. It does have a microSD slot so if I want a 16G reader it’s no problem. And it does have a browser. Not just a brower, its background OS is Android 2.1. In fact, it is simple to root it and get an e-ink android tablet out of the deal. How good is this? I have an e-ink micro tablet that can read online newspapers, comics and books, plays sudoku and chess, does email and calendaring and chat, and has a battery life with wireless enabled of about six days. Oh and it can run the Android Kindle app. Although I have to stop myself from giggling while I’m reading my Kindle editions on my Nook reader.
Crazily enough, I had an eBook reader in the mid-1990s. The screen was tiny, the font very poor, and it used a card slot to load one book at a time. I don’t even remember what it was called now…
Just now remembered!
It was made by Franklin publishers, and came preloaded with the King James Bible (but other book cards worked with it…)