The May Fair is an Art’s and Crafts fair that’s hosted every year by the Assistance League. Most years, the weather is not kind to them. This year was the exception. Also an exception this year was the number of artists who gave me permission to photograph their work. Only two objected. I respect that. But one was a woman who paints birds and she had some really fine and intricate brush work. I would have like to be able to show it to you.
Sorry, I can never figure out how this slideshow doohickey works. When I thought I had it paused, and then moved my cursor, it skipped several images forward and then back…
Anyway, I was trying to pause it on the orange cat (I think; it went by rather quickly) painted on a (rock?) Very cool stuff!
When the plug-in author splits off functions or adds new ones, he decides what the default is. The default for ‘Film Hover Goto’ was ‘On’. I usually just ride through the slideshow and hadn’t noticed that annoyance. I have disabled it. (BTW, you can stop on a picture by putting the cursor anywhere on it; ‘Slide Hover Pause’, or toggle off the slideshow by clicking on the Photo# bar)
I was tempted to buy the orange cat when I thought it was a rock, but it was actually a hollow gourd. And blown-away-by-light-breeze light. That is to say, “paper weight” not “paperweight”.
Oh wow. Even now that I got the show to pause on the cat, I can’t see *gourd* there… Still looks like a stone to me. I don’t know what I would do with such a thing though; it just caught my eye. 🙂
As a rock, I could use it as a porch decoration or something; but a gourd would just blow away.
Great artwork though. Very impressive.
I had an artist object to me photographing some of his work displayed in Madrid, New Mexico in October. He was cool about it, but I sometimes think it’s odd to display your art publicly and not want it photographed. It was visible from the street, from which I would not have needed his permission.
Abby bought a hatband from him and talked to him for half an hour.